Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Keeping Up.......

Ok, so keeping up with a blog is quite difficult, until I get internet at home again.  I had stuff written yesterday and then got super busy at work, closed outta everything at the end of shift and TOTALLY forgot that I had like 3 paragraphs written for this here blog that were NOT saved.  *sigh* OH WELL.

I have a root canal/crown thing goin' on tomorrow...I'm glad, as I will be able to chew on my left side again.  I'm not glad, as I don't like the dentist, and I is scared!  Just psyching myself out about it.  I know it will be grand!

I work this weekend.  My first weekend alone.  Actually quite excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I see this is a SHORT blog...but duty calls...WORK.  More this weekend!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last of 3....

Ok...this is my LAST day of 3 in a row at work.  I know that sounds like I am lazy...but...I work 12 hour shifts...so 3 of them in a row is hard work!!  SOOO glad I have 4 days off in a row after this!  YAY!

Tomorrow is my dentist appointment, which I am and am not looking forward to.  I AM looking forward to it, because it's always good to have a nice deep cleansing.  I am NOT looking forward to it, because I know I have a lot of work that needs to be done, so it will be a drawn out process, although the end results will be well worth it!!!

Boo did not sleep in "his" (my) bed last night.  No.  Instead, he slept on the couch.  I felt like he thinks he's too old to snuggle now.  He is not.  He better sleep in there tonight, as I am used to having him right next to me...which means I never have any room on my queen size bed.  Yes, my chihuahua mix takes up the majority of the bed.  Don't judge. =P

Tristan will be at his dads tonight.  I miss him everytime he has to go there.  I know in time I will get used to it...but I have not gotten used to it as of yet.  He is still my lil punkie butt, and I want him all to myself.  That's selfish...but true.

I watered my side yard plants this morning.  They are all still alive and doing wonderfully!!  I really cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of my yard and make it a really cool place for me and my boys.  My flowers in the front are now doing a lot better now that I have moved them so that they are not in direct sunlight all day.  I love the look of the flowers against the yellow of my house. 

I cannot wait to do my room either.  I was thinking about that last night while laying in my bed.  I can totally picture the idea I have in my room.  =)  After that, then I will tackle both my bathroom and Tristans bathroom.  His room will stay white...as he has SO many colors in there already.  There are two more big items I need for my living room and dining room, but those will wait until later in the year.  I HAVE PLANS!!!  Woo hoo. 

I was thinking this morning on my way to drop Tristan off at school, that another reason I like blogs is because you get more information about ones life, and what makes them who they are.  Take Facebook for example, that is nice to check up on to see how a person is at the moment, but 9 times out of 10 people are DEPRESSED on there!!!  Sometimes it gets SO old that I'd like to delete the people that are way depressed, or who's statuses make them seem bipolar...is that mean that I want to delete them?  I have to try and do want my wonderful aunt Merrilyn tells me to do...keep positive in your life, not negative...and a lot of times, FB is negatory.  Blah!  POSITIVE for me!!!  Shanks.  Anyways, I know I think I got off track.  Idc, its my blog.

I will warn you...I am definitely not as funny nor as grammar-correct as my aunt Penny...I really enjoy her blogs.

So, with that being said, I will put a couple pictures up here. 

Here is Boo, in bed...where he normally is....

Here is Tristan.  Happy as can be while out having breakfast with Angela...

I don't know why..but some pictures won't let me upload here???????

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So This is Blogging...

Ok, I like to read about other peoples lives, and their blogs, so why not be a copycat and let people read about mine?  I think I will do what my aunt Penny did though, and try a couple blogs out before letting people know about it.  If I don't like it, then I will delete them and never tell anyone.  Then no one will know the difference!!  HA, I AM smarticle!!!

So, probably what I will blog about is my wonderful son Tristan, and the life we have...along with my other wonderful 4 legged son Boo, and the life we have as well.  There are many fun stories about both!!

Here I start:  Since most of who may read this knows my life, I will not go way back and all that, but will just kinda start from now.  Tristan is now 7.5 months old, will be 8 months old on the 30th of this month.  OMG, I canNOT believe how fast the time has flown.  He is now crawling and sitting on his own.  I will tell a little story about this morning, since it was the first time I got to actually witness him sitting on his own.  I woke up this moning like always, to a chattering baby and the slamming of braces against the crib.  I went out to make his breakfast, then went and got him up.  I changed him, got him dressed, fed and ready for school (daycare, but I prefer 'school').  I then laid him down in his crib with his favorite ball, I laid him on his back.  I went to take my shower.  After my shower, I had grabbed my phone to see the time and how much I had left till leaving for work.  I noticed that it was really quite, so I figured Tristan was sleeping.  I quietly walked down the hall and peeked into his room.  He was SITTING UP, playing with his ball!!!!  I then whipped my phone up and took a picture...hence my profile picture.  He just beamed up at me and it was like he was showing me how proud he was of his sitting accomplishment!!!  I got a couple more pictures in before he tipped over...making sure NOT to drop his ball.  ; )  What a GREAT start to my day!!!

Then I had to take him to school and come to work.  =( 

I think I will stop there...as I am at work, and my break is now over.  I will try this blog thing again tomorrow.

Peace to all!!

My babies:

Boo isn't really shy, he was sleeping.  I will have to find a more revealing picture for him!!